Pisces Monthly Horoscope

lust & love

Until 18.7. flirt aggressively as a single and have fun turning the heads of several fans. From 19.7. Venus has an intense effect: you fall in love with skin and hair. Are you in a relationship? Until 18.7. normal madness is the order of the day in your relationship. From 19.7. you can take a seat on the pink cloud. You and your partner get along splendidly and create new closeness.

Career & Finance

Your ideas are in demand and can be implemented quickly. Good news is also coming in when it comes to finances. From July 6th to 19th you can enjoy enormous benefits. However, you need work that challenges you and that you enjoy, otherwise you will quickly lose interest. From 19.7. problems can be solved in a team and you quickly get in touch with new business partners.

Health & Fitness

Sun and Mars increase your self-confidence and help you to motivate yourself again and again. Mars brings new energy and Venus from July 18th. a great charisma. You make something of your possibilities and really get in shape. When it comes to sports, nutrition and lifestyle, you are on the right track and are happy to stick to your resolutions.
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