Free Weekly Horoscopes

Read your accurate weekly horoscope, get an astrology forecast to know if your stars will be lucky for you this week.

Aries weekly horoscope

The cosmos has declared it playtime. Not that you need much of an excuse. Any chance to play will feel oh-so-good for you. The next month or so gives you plenty of opportunities to express yourself, to shine your light, to get creative. Let your heart blaze with love from Monday onwards. The more love you give, the more love you’ll receive - not that this is the point, of course. Tuesday does bring a slightly darker energy in which there could be someone who’s jealous of your enormous heart, of your light. As such, they may attempt to belittle or control you. But you can see right through this, can’t you?

Taurus weekly horoscope

When it comes to your home space, you treat it as sacred. It’s your place to recharge, rest, and recuperate. The couch is your most favorite place, after the kitchen. From Monday, this area of your life gets lit up like a Christmas tree, reflecting several weeks of pure, happy home bliss. Family, even if they usually drive you crazy, will be a beautiful refuge for you to turn to. This may be your family of friends, or perhaps your partner. Anything and anyone can be family. Tuesday’s alignments do bring a brief period where some possibly toxic dynamics may come up. Clear the decks so that you can enjoy the rest of the month.

Gemini weekly horoscope

Thursday is the day. It’s the day when your ruler, Mercury, shifts into a new area of the chart for you, namely, the sector connected to the past, to your roots, to your sense of belonging. This may have you combing over times gone by with a fine-toothed comb, realizing all the bits and pieces that have made you who you are, all the experiences, the good and the bad, that have led to this present moment. It could behoove you to talk about this to someone neutral, someone who might be able to unpack your thoughts and help you make sense of what’s unfolded. This will set you up to make excellent future decisions.

Cancer weekly horoscope

The Sun is finally leaving your sign, signaling the end of your Birthday Season. That’s fine with you - you don’t much enjoy the spotlight anyway. Now’s the time to take the focus off of your personal development and onto your resources. Maybe you came up with some great ideas on where you saw yourself going in this next year. And maybe, just maybe, you need to put your money where your mouth is. Literally. Don’t fuss too much about it - your confidence at the moment is sky-high, making you willing and eager to showcase your talents to others. Abundance might be the direct result of your current courage.

Leo weekly horoscope

Well, hi there Birthday Season! Aren’t you looking just delicious? Admit it - you’ve been waiting for this moment since your last birthday, haven’t you? The chance to celebrate, to shine, to glow your brightest, and to be seen and appreciated for it. The spotlight is all on you now, so lap it up. Plan that huge Birthday party. Take a chance on yourself and do that thing you’ve been waiting to do. Claim your place in the world. Make your wellness a priority. Give love. There’ll be a brief moment on Tuesday when you may be cut down, controlled, or projected upon. Not everyone likes it when you shine. But never you mind.

Virgo weekly horoscope

Mercury, your ruler, slides neatly into your sign come Thursday. It’s been a whole year since he visited you, making this a perfect time to trust your choices. To know what it is that you want, and act on it. Speak up. Share your plans with others. Get feedback, but make your own decisions anyway. You know best what’s good for you. There’s a quiet sort of confidence to you now that people will pick up on and trust. You may even be quite surprised at requests for leadership or guidance. Deep down, you know you have the best advice to give, so don’t shy away from what’s being offered.

Libra weekly horoscope

Let’s skip ahead to the juicy stuff. Friday’s Chiron retrograde is the one you need to look out for. He’s going retrograde in your relationships sector, reflecting a time in which, well, there’s healing to be done. You’ve been on quite the journey lately, wherein you may have drawn towards yourself those who have needed some kind of help or support. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with lending this, yet, you may need to step back now to give them a chance to absorb. To try helping themselves. This will be by no means an easy feat, and indeed, you may even face some opposition before this happens. Nevertheless, stick to your guns.

Scorpio weekly horoscope

The Sun enters the most visible sector of your chart from Monday onwards, opening up plenty of golden opportunities in these next few weeks for you to shine. You may be offered a position of leadership - a position which you’re more than ready for, despite any misgivings. The truth is, those misgivings are very likely to quickly disappear in a happy cloud of confidence as you find that you’re actually enjoying the spotlight. Tuesday does reflect a few shadows, but it’s nothing that you can’t handle. You’re witnessing your past self. You can see the temptation to go down that road. But you’re not listening, are you? No, not anymore.

Sagittarius weekly horoscope

As the Sun shifts into your fellow fire sign of Leo on Monday, your adventurous spirit gets lit up. The next several weeks are ideal for exploration, expansion, and personal development. For some of you, this may be quite literal (if you can go, go!). For others, this could be a case of picking up that course, or leading that workshop. Maybe it’s about taking a (safe) plant journey or embarking on a weeks-long yoga commitment. We all have different ways in which we like to grow. Find yours. It’ll bring you more joy than you could ever imagine. Shine that light bright.

Capricorn weekly horoscope

You’ve had quite the journey lately when it comes to your personal relationships. You’re more than ready to move on, right? That’s not to say that things have been unhappy. They’ve probably just been quite emotional. Now’s the time when sharing really is caring, where your heart is wide open and ready to receive all the love and support that the Universe wants to give you, whether that’s through your sweetie or somewhere else. You’re not being disempowered. You’re embracing vulnerability. Real vulnerability is one of the strongest and bravest qualities that anyone can possess. Own it. There are so many beautiful blessings for you to tap into, and soon.

Aquarius weekly horoscope

The Sun slides into your relationship sector on Monday, igniting a playful, pleasurable fire here. Being someone who’s naturally people-oriented, this shouldn’t feel like a major change for you. Nevertheless, you might be more drawn than usual to creating close, one-on-one partnerships. You’re usually better in groups, but under these auspices, you might find that you’re equally gracious in close connections. Be mindful of losing a little of yourself. Come back to you every now and then. Above all, avoid projecting any shadows onto the Other. Tune into your brilliant ability to be self-aware. Learn. Grow. Transform.

Pisces weekly horoscope

Work, work, work. It seems as though your plate is full from Monday onwards. Before you get your knickers in a knot, know that this work is likely to be very creative. To be fun. To be pleasant and enjoyable. In fact, you could find yourself having so much fun that you almost accidentally end up in a position of command. You? Timid little you? Yes, you. You have a spine of steel that most people don’t see, simply because you’ve gone through so much in life already. You’re a natural at this. Don’t let the pressure get to you. You can handle this all much better than you think.

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