Virgo & Cancer - Love Compatibility

Pairing weight: 44:56
Like each other: 5
Long-lasting: 4
A lot of things are there in common for a Cancer and Virgo pair. Both signs are goal-oriented and highly disciplined. Virgo will respect Cancer's strength and Cancer on the other hand, will appreciate the dedication of Virgo. They both possess the qualification of sincerity and will be devoted to each other.
Disagreements are possible in this relationship if Virgo becomes too critical for Cancer's easily bruised feelings and in their mood changing. Virgo will find it difficult to adjust with the stubborn streak of Cancer. But a thorough understanding of each other's nature and a bit of patience will enable both of them to make it a lasting relationship.
Even though to form a partnership this pair will need time, but once they are committed to each other it will be a strong and secure one. Virgo is shrewd and practical, and Cancer has an instinctive sense of what the other wants. Their willingness to work hard and to be together will make them a successful pair.
A Cancer man with his steady, watchful intelligence will win the respect of his Virgo woman. Watery Cancer will give emotional nourishment to his partner, and earthy Virgo will give him the solid support and grounding he needs. Both of them are concerned with the process of caring and nurturing. Crab cares for others with emotional tenderness and empathy and the Virgin cares by conscientious regard for being of service.
Problems are inherent in this relation due to the Crab man's extreme sensitivity to hurt and Virgin woman's natural inclination to criticize. But her analytical power to detect them and his perceptiveness to sense them will enable both of them to evade such situations.
This relationship can definitely be a long lasting one if both of them will draw out the passionate side in each other that both keep hidden away most of the time. Both of them have a passion for stable life and nice things. Along with their desire to be prosperous, their love of a fancy home life ensures that this couple will work hard toward this shared goal.
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