Capricornus & Cancer - Love Compatibility

Pairing weight: 50:50
Like each other: 4
Long-lasting: 2
When a Cancer and Capricorn are tend to work together it will be a very successful and secure duo. Cancer will always have an appreciation for the dedication of Capricorn and they in turn will admire the tenacity of the Cancer. Capricorn will help the Crab to achieve goals and will enlighten them into the more important matters in the world.
Both Cancer and Capricorn tend to take the lead. But they prefer to lead in a subtle way, their motivation for the leadership will remain concealed when they first meet. They share a great attachment towards their family and relatives. Capricorns by nature are cold and suspicious, and the sympathetic, sensitive Cancer will work as a healing balm for the love and understanding of the Capricorn.
The best aspect of the Cancer- Capricorn companionship is their dedication to each other and their mutual commitments to achieve the same goal.
A Capricorn woman will do anything to please her Cancerian man she loves, without any complaints. Both of them will have a lot to learn from each other, and could benefit greatly from a romance together. They have compassion and understanding to spare, and this will help them to achieve lovely harmony.
Cancer will show Capricorn how to enjoy life and how to appreciate beauty and comfort. He will sooth Capricorn's hard edges, while she will provide him a solid foundation that Cancer desperately craves.
The Goat needs to be more sensitive to the sentimental and sensitive Crab. But career-oriented Capricorn has too many other interests to give Cancer all the attention it needs. Cancer is shy, sensitive, and needs affection, while Capricorn is blunt, aloof, and domineering.Adjustments and adaptations are required to keep this relationship smooth going. If they can overcome their opposites in temperament, this can be a well-matched combanation.
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