Scorpio & Cancer - Love Compatibility

Pairing weight: 48:52
Like each other: 5
Long-lasting: 5
A Cancer - Scorpio pair can achieve almost anything through sheer determination, once they learn to trust and believe each other. They both will be loyal to each other, as both have a strong desire for emotional security. Scorpio appreciates the Cancerian practicality and Cancer enjoys Scorpio's jealousy.
The Cancer and the Scorpion have an almost strange natural understanding of one another. They have many characteristics in common, either good or bad. Both of them never forget an act of kindness or a hurt caused by others. But they will react to this in their own way, a Cancerian will seldom try to do the vengeance even though they will think about it frequently and nurse the injured feelings alone. On the other hand a Scorpio will one way or the other pay back for the injury they suffered.
The best aspect of the Cancer-Scorpio relationship is their powerful teamwork when they agree on their goals. This partnership will blossom if Cancer is assured of Scorpio being there for the long run and is emotionally productive. The relationship will only fail if the two partners truly cannot overcome their opinionated, stubborn sides.
The relationship between a Cancer man and a Scorpio woman will be a nicely tuned-in one. They have a great deal in common which will give a strong base to their relationship. Both are passionate and emotionally touched by almost every aspect of the life.
Cancer man will forgive the basically quiet Scorpio woman her occasional stormy rages and hurtful words or acts of revenge. She will enjoy his tenderness and sentimentality, but she sometimes becomes impatient with his emotional neediness. Scorpio is very emotional, yet she also possesses a very strong individuality.
Both of them enjoy working together toward acquisition and create a comfortable living space. Cancer wants security and Scorpio wants power. They complement each other because Cancer and Scorpio are both concerned with the home and both have fierce loyalty to the family group. The emotional bond between the Crab and the Scorpion will enable them to overcome the hazards in their life. In the company of her he will learn to be stronger and independent and she will learn to soften her tendency to be harsh with other people.
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