Taurus & Cancer - Love Compatibility

Pairing weight: 56:44
Like each other: 4
Long-lasting: 4
A Taurus and a Cancer are uncommonly alike. However, Taurus will find it difficult to understand the moods of the Cancer. A Taurus and a Cancer get along smoothly most of the time, and seldom do they have any explosive arguments. Both of them like to react to hurt by hiding themselves away from others for some time.
The Taurus and Cancer will get along well for teamwork, will it be any business or industrial ventures. The Taurus will lay the foundation with accurate calculations and will organize it sensibly. Cancer will look after the dealings with absolute efficiency and will make sure their mutual efforts are gaining the maximum publicity it requires. Getting into compromises will be an easier procedure for both, if any disagreements arise.
Possibilities for problems will arise when Taurus gets tired of Cancer's mood swings, and Cancer may in turn feel that Taurus is insensitive to their needs. A mutual agreement and understanding will clear out this issue to a great extend.
A relationship between a Cancer and a Taurus is a perfect one, a more than average romantic combination. This partnership tends to be a harmonious one cause they both enjoy the security and comfort of a home. Their family will be counted as one among the ideal families that people of other signs aim for. They will have an attachment towards their family rather than the outside world.
Both the Taurus woman and Cancer man will take time before committing into a relationship. They will have a thorough assessment, but once they are all geared for a constant relation, they will seldom go back.
For the family they both expect and wish is accessible to them if Taurus understand the Cancer's emotional sensitivity, and Cancer needs to be more open about their needs instead of relying on emotional blackmail.
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