Taurus 2024 Horoscope

The big annual horoscope 2024 Taurus
The planet Uranus has accompanied the sign Taurus for several years. It is one of the collective planets and represents upheaval, revolts and change. Its electrifying side effect causes existing things to shake and surprises with spontaneous changes. And so, for example, the possessive mentality that is actually characteristic of those born in Taurus was disrupted. You, the down-to-earth person who is sensitive to material things, asked yourself things like: Why work? Why hold on to tangible securities? Such constantly repeating thoughts probably sound familiar to you.
February could be a good time for Taurus to date
After these experiences of the last few years, Taurus certainly no longer has any expectations of eternity, the comfort zone has been left behind and habits already changed. Now the whole thing will be topped in 2024. Emotionally things go a bit haywire from February onwards. Encounters, especially new ones, have an impact. Now would be a good time for dating. Or an unsolicited application for your dream job. The constellation of stars results in an opportunity that appears brilliantly in April and needs to be decided quickly. You know what you want, but above all you know exactly what you don't want. Unfortunately, Taurus-born people are also extremely stubborn, so they sometimes get bogged down in nonsense that makes them unhappy. Yes, for example, you once said 14 years ago that you liked cheesecake. But actually you haven't liked him for a long time. So stop eating it. You are allowed to change your mind - even if you belong to this zodiac sign. So in the spring of 2024, think about opportunities that you would have dismissed as uninteresting at another point in your life. Otherwise, there will be a lot of dissatisfaction in May when an opportunity has irretrievably passed.
Annual horoscope for 2023: From summer onwards it will finally be quieter for those born in Taurus
Major changes have knocked vehemently on your door in the last few years, that's why you are now so exhausted. Fortunately, what comes next is slowly approaching, thanks to the annual planet Sun. That's good, because Neptune in Pisces also expressly asks you to manage your strength. Change will happen in 2024 without noise, without drama, without disorientation. The first half of the year may be a bit intimidating, but from summer onwards you will feel calm and contented. Enjoy it, you worked really hard for it and waited a long time for it. Now comes your big moment. The year 2024 invites you with parties, confetti and good music to finally cut off all those pseudo-safety ropes that have been in your way for a long time and to focus on what you really want. It's probably not cheesecake.
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