Libra 2024 Horoscope

The big annual horoscope for 2024 Libra
It's pretty loud and windy out there. Not just in terms of weather, no, the whole world is shaking. This is bad for everyone right now, but almost unbearable for the cardinal sign Libra. You desperately try to keep your balance, but sometimes you just get carried away. Take a deep breath and remember this right at the beginning of the year: The best way to stay in control of your life is to take action. When you do and pretend, not when you participate and imitate. Self-efficacy has never been more important than in the first few weeks after New Year's Eve. Stay in the now, the short-term must first be stabilized before the long-term can be tackled.
In 2024, Libra will have to work as a team - even if that doesn't sound very tempting at first
All of this is preparation for the big cosmic movements that will also take place in an air sign. Libra embodies the airy connection. This does not mean anything non-binding. But what is based on freedom. In the solar year 2024, Libra people will take on a new position, that of ambassadors. A certain thing can only be accelerated by you, tackle it. Even if that means you have to work with people you wouldn't have immediately chosen on your own. Over the last year, you've learned that hastily reached compromises can turn into unpleasant stumbling blocks. This time you are smarter: yes, you have to work with this team now. No, they don't have to be your friends. Yes, it will pass. No, it won't take long. You can be completely honest with yourself: some people are just a means to an end. Nothing needs to be glossed over if it isn't really beautiful.
From February onwards, private life for Libra-born people will be going smoothly
But work isn't the whole of life, you have enough time for private things. And from February there will be a party alarm with amorous surprises. The first eclipse circus in spring may bring with it shadows, closure, an end, but only to continue wandering more freely and full of curiosity. What started out strong and intense ends the same way. A direct replacement is just around the corner. In June, new connections become even more intimate and form a whole. The chosen family is now established, reliable and present at important moments. Nevertheless, it is and remains flexible. Libra connects itself instead of connecting others.
The flexibility that Libra is developing in 2024 is impressive
Now nothing out there is too loud for you like it was at the beginning of the year. On the contrary: you can't get enough of new things. You carry the cosmic balance within you and are no longer dependent on stability from outside. When bumps in the road, resistance and even difficulties arise, just smile. Your flexibility is impressive; the journey is much more important to you than the goals. Every now and then it's still worth checking out: What worked well and what didn't? And above all: What do you learn from it for your daily balance?
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